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“You Met Her in Line for Free Soup… May 10, 2009

Filed under: Primetime,Sunday Night — thedogwoodtree @ 7:59 pm


…How much more embarrassed could she get?!”    Desperate Housewives is truly a classic, and imho, it only keeps getting better.  And the reason is Gaby.  Her quips, one-liners, snarky comebacks, and feisty yet lovable back-and-forth with Carlos are what make this show continually perky.  A woman has never made vain and spoiled look so damn cute.  They can afford to lose an Edie, maybe even a Katherine or a Susan, but they couldn’t survive without Gaby.  She didn’t disappoint this evening — the last episode before this season’s finale.  Here’s hoping they wrap up this Dave business once and for all.

During Susan and Jackson’s “engagement party,” Bree is talked into breaking into her own home.  I am going to make a guess that her and Carl are gonna hook up sometime soon.  They have a lot of chemistry in their heist scene.  Tom Scavo is too much of a dinosaur to get hired, and his ego gets another swift kick in the groin when Lynette is shocked that one of Tom’s classmates looks as young as he does.  His secret?  Plastic surgery, which Lynette tells Tom he shouldn’t get.  To prove her point, she brings home Wind Tunnel Bruce from her accounting department, and boy, is his face a doozy.  Lynette assumes that if Tom chooses to have surgery to change his looks, she will be forced to do the same and she doesn’t want surgery.  Luckily she talks him out of it with a very touching speech.

Gaby figures out that her money might not last forever when she encounters an old neighbor who used to have 20 place settings of Tiffany china before her husband died and left her with nothing.  The woman teaches her a great lesson: to appreciate all the stuff she has and not take that wealth for granted.  Mike proposes to Katherine, and Bree and Orson encounter their robbed home.  Orson may have a sixth sense about her plan to leave him, because he actually surprises her with a very sweet gesture.

Mike reminded Susan that he would no longer need to pay alimony, causing her to reconsider marrying Jackson.  Unfortunately, she told all of this to Katherine while Dave listened in on their whole conversation before creepily hanging up the phone.  Now, what does he have up his sleeve?  I wish they would just do something about that storyline already!  It is so dragged out and I’m completely bored with it.  Mike tells Susan she’ll get her alimony, but it’s really Katherine sending Susan the message.  She’s obviously very concerned that if Mike finds out Susan marriage to Jackson isn’t real then he won’t go through with marrying her.  Dave contacted the authorities, and INS shows up to take Jackson away right before he walks down the faux aisle with Susan.

Orson answers Bree’s cell phone and finds out about a storage unit she just rented.  The one with all their looted belongings inside of it.  Orson immediately goes and opens it up.  Who gave him a key to it?!  Aren’t storage units meant to be kept private from prying spouses?  That Bree is not always such a smart cookie.  Gaby continues an expensive home renovation despite the new lessons she just learned.

NEXT WEEK:  A 2 hour season finale includes Orson threatening to send Bree to prison, Susan questioning Mike’s love for Katherine, Lynette facing a possible cancer scare, Carlos opting for a teenager to move in with him and Gaby, and the biggest shocker: a taped video confession from Dave about having to kill MJ Delfino.


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