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Movie Review of The Time Traveler’s Wife August 25, 2009

Filed under: Entertainment,News Feed — thedogwoodtree @ 9:00 am
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Everyone said they had chemistry, but I didn’t see it.  No man can ever compete with Ryan Gosling when it comes to the “chemistry with Rachel McAdams” department. 


In every aspect of this film, they tried really hard to make the storyline work, but it just didn’t.  Not only did it lull, but there was so much flashing back and forth it could give a person whiplash.  And most of all, you just didn’t care if they made it or not.  I can’t even count on two hands the number of times my friend turned to me and whispered ‘Where is this going?’  And the answer was: nowhere. 




Transformers Didn’t Make the Grade June 26, 2009


If you haven’t seen Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, DO NOT READ THE BELOW POST UNLESS YOU WANT SPOILERS.  I’m going no holds barred!  This may be one of those movies that I need to let marinate.  But I have so many overwhelming thoughts and feelings about it that I can’t stop myself.  I didn’t love it.  It isn’t 1/10 of the movie that the original Transformers is.  And here’s a few reasons why:




Movie Review: The Proposal June 21, 2009

Filed under: Entertainment — thedogwoodtree @ 5:35 pm
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Had a lovely brunch and a movie date with my mother this morning and we saw a matinee of The Proposal.  I have to say, it’s better than your average romcom!  We both liked it quite a lot.  I was quite excited to see it, considering People Magazine and Entertainment Weekly both gave good reviews.  Great girly movie, though I’m always surprised to see the number of girls that manage to drag along some poor fellow to see these movies, particularly on opening weekend!



Soundoff on Up, The Hangover June 12, 2009

Filed under: Entertainment — thedogwoodtree @ 8:19 am

Two completely different movies, but both endearing in their own way. 


Starting with Up, which I saw last weekend.  Possibly the best movie I have seen this year.  I was taken aback at how compelling the storyline was, and how quickly you become attached to 78-year-old curmudgeon Mr. Fredricksen.  Of course, I saw it in 3-D and the effect was well worth the price.  I am constantly amazed at what those folks at Pixar are capable of.  I can’t say enough good things about it, but I can say that I was surprised at how little I feel Disney promoted this movie.  Are they tightening the strings on their budget as well? 


Coming in, I had a fairly good idea of the premise, but that was because I read reviews about it in Entertainment Weekly.  And I knew his wife would pass away, but the relationship they were able to create between two characters without any words spoken between them after their introduction, was lovely.  I can only say that if you haven’t seen it, adult or child, you are missing out! 

Moving on to The Hangover, AKA the “Dirty Man’s Comedy of 2009″… (more…)


Faster & Furiouser April 4, 2009


Okay, I know “furiouser” isn’t a word.  I just want to say that before I move on — I do know basic English.

Snow didn’t happen here after all.  So I hit a matinee of Fast & Furious and it was killer.  I saw The Fast and the Furious twice in theaters when it came out so obviously I liked it a lot.  That being said, if you didn’t like the original, don’t see this one…but if you did, don’t let 2 Fast 2 Furious deter you from believing that the original cast really can be in a sequel without ruining it.

All my guy friends keep saying that Tokyo Drift was by far the best of the 4 movies (all of them saw the new one with me today so they can compare it to all 3 of the others).  However, I haven’t seen it so I can’t say for sure.

There are some familiar faces: Alpa Chino (Brandon T. Jackson) from Tropic Thunder and Han Lue (Sung Kang) from Tokyo Drift being two of them.

I don’t want to give anything away so all I’m going to say is GO SEE IT.  Pay attention to all the cheesy shit they say.  Take note so you can use it in your day-to-day life for a few weeks after other people have seen it and it still has relevance.  That alone is worth the $8-10.  Click in if you want spoilers (and I mean a complete summary so real spoilers).  (more…)