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Three Guys, One Rose, the Big Island and a Big Rock July 27, 2009

Filed under: Primetime,Reality — thedogwoodtree @ 6:59 pm
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Jillian's twin?  Or too much airbrushing?

Jillian's twin? Or too much airbrushing?

In minute one, I already have a serious problem.  What is with the men on this show being such awkward kissers?  First Kiptyn, then her and Ed meet up and have a miss-kiss.  Ed needs to butch it up in general, with the green short-shorts and lavender tank last ep, now the pink shirt, and the crossed legs all the time.  Sit with your legs apart!  Scratch your balls (assuming you have some)!  Man up your wardrobe and your mannerisms.

Ed meets the ‘rents.  Jillian makes him start by giving his history regarding leaving the show and coming back.  I’m just gonna throw this out there — that thing out there about ‘checking out the mother to see how the daughter will look in 30+ years’ is not going to work in Jill’s favor.  I can’t believe that skinny-ass Jillian came from this woman!  Ed tells her dad that he wants to propose and I thought he should have asked permission rather than just telling him.  I’m not buying it with Ed, I just don’t believe he’s taking all of this seriously.  If he was that into her, he never would’ve left in the first place.  Plus he may be gay.  Jury’s out on him.  Side note: Jilly’s whole fam = terrible at dancing.



Daisy of Love Predictions – So Wrong!

Filed under: Reality — thedogwoodtree @ 5:07 pm
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It wasn't me

It wasn't me

I have to admit that I was waaay far off with my prediction on who would win Daisy of Love.  I thought I knew what she’d do based on the 6 weeks or so of watching her make interesting decisions, but it just goes to show that even I’m succeptible to making bad guesses!



The Table Flip and Everything That Led to It June 16, 2009

Filed under: Bravo,Entertainment,Reality — thedogwoodtree @ 7:18 pm
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Even sweet Jacqueline gets angry!

Even sweet Jacqueline gets angry!

Well, without watching the show up to this point, if you chose to watch tonight’s finale and are confused about the events before, let me give you a brief rundown.  Danielle’s ex-husband wrote a book about her alleging all sorts of things, including that she was a prostitute and had a hand in kidnapping and abuse, as well as holding a person for ransom.  Danielle has admitted (until tonight) that she used to strip, but maintains she was not a prostie.  To start, I completely agree with Teresa that obviously something is amiss with the story.  I have a hard time understanding why her ex-husband would write a book that is mostly fiction.  However, that does not excuse Teresa’s table-throwing.



Right Around the Corner!

Filed under: Bravo,Entertainment,Reality — thedogwoodtree @ 4:37 pm
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Bravo TV has tweeted that the Real Housewives of New Jersey finale that premieres in 1.5 hours is “the best hour of television EVEERRR.”  And it looks like it will be — it’s the most excited I’ve ever been for a Real Housewives anything.  Although the reunion will probably be even better!  Stay tuned, I’m gonna be blogging my fool freaking hands off.