DVR Diva

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A Hairless Kitty — And No, Not the Dirty Kind November 9, 2009

Filed under: Primetime,Sunday Night — thedogwoodtree @ 10:07 am
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All of the events of last night’s Brothers & Sisters led to the inevitable Samantha Jones moment.  Kitty’s hair was falling out, so she bit the bullet and shaved it.  And she looks very Sinead, right?  Except they did a piss-poor job making her “stubble” look anything near the hair color she had before she shaved it.  The upside: the dress she wore to Nora’s event was rocking.  I want it in several colors.  I just need to find it first, then rob a bank to pay for it.

Nora met a man, and he’s an oncologist, which seems like a great fit for her considering where she’s at in life right now.  And he’s super cute, too.  Although Nora’s neuroses have really started to get under my skin now that we’re on the 4th season.



“My Daughter is Dying” Sunday October 5, 2009

Filed under: Primetime,Sunday Night — thedogwoodtree @ 6:30 am
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ABC is really bringing on the emotional storylines!  Though Desperate Housewives doesn’t pull off the tragedy of it all quite like Brothers & Sisters.


Here’s my thoughts on the Kitty storyline: they’re killing off all the Repubs!  Last year it was Tommy and they sure hyped it up that Robert was going to die, now Kitty has lymphoma.  Also, they must be trying to win an Emmy for either Calista Flockhart or Sally Field and cancer or death is always a top pick.  Nora already has my vote; I was bawling my eyes out last night! 


DH — Gaby makes that show.  That’s all I have to say.  She provides the necessary comedic relief and she has the best spunk.  Here’s the skinny on Julie’s killer if you missed it: everyone suspects the new kid, Danny Bolen.  So much so that his parents have hired an attorney and encouraged him to ask Gaby’s niece to lie and say they were together as his alibi.  But to make it the new, mysterious kid is too easy!  I’m wondering if it could be Katherine since she’s gone over the edge and she used it as a chance to visit Mike and come on to him, but that’s nuts even for her.  Most likely, it’s the guy whose baby Julie thought she was pregnant with, and I don’t think that’s Danny.


P.S. Regarding B&S, I hate loathe despise that Ryan Lafferty.  He needs to go away soon, but he’s obviously wreaking havoc on Ojai Foods first.


What to Set Your DVRs For This Week… September 28, 2009


Gossip Girl on the CW at 9:00

Rachel Zoe Project on Bravo at 8:00


Season Premiere of The Hills!  MTV at 8:30

Season Premiere of The City!  MTV at 9:00

Flipping Out on Bravo at 8:00


Season Premiere of Real World Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins.  MTV @ 8

Top Chef Las Vegas on Bravo at 8

Cougar Town on ABC at 8:30

Eastwick on ABC at 9:00


Real Housewives of Atlanta on Bravo at 8

Project Runway on Lifetime at 8

Grey’s Anatomy on ABC at 8

The Office on NBC at 8

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia on FX at 11


Entourage hour-long season finale on HBO at 8

Desperate Housewives on ABC at 8

Dexter on Showtime at 8

Brothers & Sisters on ABC at 9


When Did B&S Become Doom & Gloom? September 27, 2009

Filed under: Primetime,Sunday Night — thedogwoodtree @ 8:17 pm
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The only thing that the season premiere of Brothers & Sisters accomplished was leaving me with a seriously icky feeling.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy it’s back, but I hope it can take a comedic turn here pretty quickly.  When we left off, there was both a lot and a little going on with the Walker clan.  Their return found Holly and Nora planning an engagement party for their respective children, now engaged.  When Holly realized Nora gave Justin an antique ring of her grandmother’s, not to be outdone, Holly bought them a car.  And that wasn’t all — she also planned an all-white celebration complete with a white baby grand piano.  The only problem is that the lovebirds aren’t singing such a happy tune right now.

Justin found out that Robert made some calls to get him in to med school, and his grades aren’t good enough to keep him there for long.  Stressed out, he showed up late to the party and proceeded to get in an ugly fight with Rebecca.  No worries, all was fine by the end of the episode, but we nearly saw a vehicular tragedy when they almost got into an accident in their new car on the way to a picnic.  Let’s hope for better things on the horizon for them.

Kitty is sick.  We don’t know what the health issue is yet, but it’s serious and my concern is that they’re going to kill her off, which they better not do.  This is an ensemble cast, after all, and it sure would hurt for bits of the ensemble to be taken away from us.  Next week, she starts talking about it to the family but may not be able to tell Robert just yet.

Elsewhere, Tommy is still gone and Sarah is getting ready to go to Paris.  Not sure if we’ll see her in Paris, though…?  She didn’t have much of a role in this episode other than her hilarious internet dating fiascos.  Scotty and Kevin are considering surrogacy, but the cost ($130,000+) may be too much for Scotty to bear.  Some of the best lines of the episode came from Nora and Saul’s mother, who is about as old-fashioned and opinionated as they come.  Of baby Evan: “One thing that can be said of them.  They sure make cute kids.”  Ahhh, old people.


Where Dexter, Desperate Housewives, and Brothers & Sisters Left Off

On Dexter: Rita and Dexter got married, Dexter killed the assistant DA Miguel Prado after sharing his secrets with him, Rita’s pregnant, Deb is dating CI Anton, and Quinn was still sexy.


On Desperate Housewives: Carlos’ slutty troublemaking niece is moving in with him and Gaby, Lynette is pregnant (with twins), Mike and Susan reunited after Dave kidnapped Susan and MJ and Mike rescued them,  Mike got married to someone and we don’t know who, Bree is attracted to Karl but is being forced to stay with Orson so he doesn’t have her arrested for insurance fraud, and Edie is dead.  Look for a new family with a past to move in.

Endlich wieder Serien-Mittwoch auf ProSieben

On Brothers & Sisters: Kitty was in a car accident while riding with a man she has a crush on that she met on the playground, Kevin is working for Robert and trying to shield his sister from Robert’s political drive, Tommy is staying in Mexico after committing fraud at Ojai, Julia took Elizabeth and moved to Seattle when Tommy left, Rebecca and Justin are engaged, Justin got into med school, and Sarah is back at Ojai.




What’s on Tonight: Tuesday, 9/1 September 1, 2009

Filed under: Bravo,Entertainment,News Feed,Reality — thedogwoodtree @ 7:02 am
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It’s the first day of Premiere Month.  BUT that doesn’t necessarily mean much since the good stuff doesn’t get cranking for a couple of weeks.  Here’s what you can look forward to tonight:


1.  FLIPPING OUT — someone on Jeff’s staff quits.  Jeff says he feels as if he was broken up with.  I think it’s the new “assistant” Raquel.  Even though her and Jeff have been friends for a long time (since he was still dating women, in fact) that doesn’t mean they work well together.  Quite the opposite, actually.  Who wants to be talked down to and bossed around by a longtime friend?


2.  BROTHERS & SISTERS on DVD.  Season 3 comes out today.  Maybe I’m the only one who does this, but I particularly enjoy owning seasons of my favorite programs.  The first two seasons of this wonderful drama have gotten tons of use.  I lend them out to other people who I want to get hooked and start watching, or I’ll sit down and watch certain episodes myself when I’m feeling nostalgic towards the good old days (hello, Kitty’s co-worker Warren). 


Today is my mother’s birthday, though, so I probably won’t be watching much.  I had to do a shout-out to her since it’s one of those years that isn’t all that exciting.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADY!


Putting the Premieres Into One Post July 9, 2009

How does that sound?  I can’t keep bouncing back and forth talking about all the different networks and the offerings they will soon have for us, so I’m putting all MY shows (and some that I know are favorites but that I personally don’t watch) down right now.




The Return of Dreaded Tommy Walker May 10, 2009

Filed under: Primetime,Sunday Night — thedogwoodtree @ 8:55 pm
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The setting: Montevisto, Mexico.  The shadow on the floor: Nora Walker, in Keds and a cowboy hat.  Fierce.

The cold hard facts of the final show of Season 3:



Family, Politics, Family Politics May 3, 2009

Filed under: Primetime,Sunday Night — thedogwoodtree @ 8:20 pm

This was the last episode before this season’s finale, so they’re finally getting to the root of many issues.  We learned that poor Sarah’s guitar strumming ex-husband Joe is getting re-married to his first ex-wife, and he wants to take their kids to Europe for a month.  That was simply a reason to explain why Sarah will continue showing up without her children.  Holly suggests they throw a party to celebrate them coming back together at Ojai, and the skit she suggests was sheer embarassment.  What resulted from it, though, was ecstasy.  Before we get to that, though, let’s go through the major revelations:




This One Won’t Either April 26, 2009

Filed under: Primetime,Sunday Night — thedogwoodtree @ 8:16 pm


Now that Kitty is so very friendly and head-tilty with Hot Park Guy and Sarah knows it, she’s in for a world of hurt with her marriage to Robert.  You remember it?  The one featured above?  Nora is, as usual, worried about something, and this time it’s Julia.  After some sarcastic advice from Kitty, Nora vows to head right over and check on the fair-haired wife of abandoner Tommy.  Kitty blows Robert off again, and lets him go on thinking her new buddy at the playground is a female rather than a cute male widower, whom she even promises to go house-hunting with.  My, my, Kitty.  Walking a fine line between head tilting and a full blown affair.
